
I took her hand and led her inside my house. My wife was standing in the kitchen and asked, “What are you two up to?”Heather replied, “He is going to try to fuck my brains out.”My wife just laughed at her and said, “Heather he has been trying to do that to me for years. It doesn’t work. I’m still smarter than he is.”I laugher at her and said, “Maybe not, but I sure got a lot of sex from you in the process. Didn’t I?”Then my beautiful granddaughter took me up to my bedroom.I got undressed and. “I heard her trying to keep you there,” Jake mused, “She must really need you.”“You misheard. She convinced me I should go. All she asked was that I was more frequent in visiting her and that I try to confront my problem,” I told him.“She’s a special woman,” Jake observed.“She is that, yes.”We rode in silence for what seemed like an hour or two, when I noticed we weren’t taking the most efficient route.“Where are we going?” I asked him.“I prefer to take the Pacific Coast Highway, it’s much more. ‘And young Madam Aubert? How do you feel about her?’ he teased. ‘To hell with Madam Aubert! Please, Drake, take me!’ she begged, her frustration getting the better of her. A loud cry burst from her as he suddenly dropped her onto himself, fully penetrating her with one thrust. Holding her around the waist, against the wall, he drove into her and was surprised by her almost immediate climax. Gripping her tightly with one arm, he pulled her away from the wall, and tore at the laces on her gown. His hands went to my head and held it tightly so that he began to fuck my mouth. It didn’t take long before I felt the head of his cock began to swell and I knew I was going to have my first taste of California man cum and he didn’t disappoint me. His hands held my head tighter and I heard him say ‘here it cums boy’ and he let out a loud moan and my mouth was filled with hot nectar. I swallowed as fast as I could but I still felt some of it leak out of the corners of my mouth, slide down my.
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